It's the big Eleanore BRAINSTORM of the day, the Weight Loss Pool! Get your floaties on everyone, because it's sink or swim. We should all be light as air in 8 weeks (and sinking more rapidly in the pool if any of us are actual swimmers, because everyone knows fat floats!)
Here are the rules:
- Everyone kicks in $25. (Paid so far: Ellie, Deb W, Eleanore R, Patrice S, Sharon T) As we have 10, that makes a kitty of $250. Give Ellie the dosh when you see her, and she promises she won't use it to buy Oreos. Or booze.
- If you meet your target goal, you win your $25 back, plus you're graced with a new more fabulous body. You can use that $25 to buy yourself a new (smaller) bra -- sorry girls, that's just the way it goes! Check with Mitzi for best lingerie advice. Everyone meets their goal, everyone wins. What could be lovelier?
- If you don't meet your goal, your money stays in the kitty and gets divvied up amongst the goal-meeters. Should we say "winners" here? Or "losers"? I don't know. You get the idea. If only one person doesn't meet their goal, then everyone walks away with their own $25, plus their share of the last $25 -- or 25 divided by 9 which is $2.77777777. Someone will definitely need to bring a calculator because this could really get ugly. Two people don't meet the goal = two people crying bitter tears, and 8 receiving $25 plus $3.125. You get the picture.
- Weigh ins Tuesdays right before drills. Eleanore is the soul of discretion and the keeper of the weights. No one else will know your actual weight. No penalty for missing a weighing in -- it's mainly for your own mental record-keeping.
- Weigh ins = shoes off, clothes ON! Please. We don't want to have a breath of scandal at the club!
- In the interest of supportiveness, we're seeking lo-calorie appetizers and dessert nibbles for the team party on Thurs Jan 21st at Deb's. Please, though, don't be horrid and just bring carrot and celery sticks -- once people have a few glasses of wine, that could spell violence. Use your heads, ladies!
- No extraordinary measures. We're not trying to incite eating disorders or naughty behaviour, so as Austin Powers, would say, "BEHAVE!" Generally, we're working on the honour system, so... let the games begin!
- FINISH DATE: 8 weeks from Tuesday, March 16th. This will be just in time for Easter hols, and you'll be able to have (one) extra Cadbury creme egg or 10 jelly beans for all your trouble. Weigh in can be after drills, so you can sweat off the last few ounces!! (We don't have a home game that week, and I don't imagine we want to do our final weigh in at Oakbrook Racquets, do we??) If you're on a different team, consult Eleanore to get your final weigh-in time.

(This is just to motivate you, in case this kind of thing works on you. However, do remember that Mr. Safin is MY boyfriend so hands off please.)
Other opportunities for exercise and burning off more calories:
- Eleanore and I train with Emily for a 1/2 hour Mondays at 10:30. You're welcome to join us for that PT session
- Patrice and I are trying to make a plan to swim regularly. Ask either of us for more information
- If you're interested in Pilates, it's a great toning/strengthening workout. The free classes at the club are really good (I went to the 7:30am Friday one -- excellent! -- and there are lots more all across the week) Also, if you want to try signing up for a studio pilates class, they work out to $25/hour and it's actually a much better deal than doing an hour of personal training, and equally hard work. Don't tell the PT department I said that though.
- Cardio tennis -- ask Matt about that one. Deb W does this regularly, as does Mitzi W.
If you see any problems with the plan, let me or Eleanore know right away. If you have any other workout suggestions let us know that too. If you have still other opinions, then we probably don't actually want to hear about them, but we'll try to be polite whilst you're talking. It's the least we can do.
Have fun, girls!
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